Alright, let's see what happens if you decide to stop training, or simply stop for some random reason.
If you stop training for a day, your body is recovering and creating adaptation from the stimulus you've recently introduced, DON'T NEGLECT YOUR REST, you need it, it's when you rest that you get stronger and improve your ability to do more work, it's in rest that you're making THEM GAINZ SON!
If you stop training for a week, after 72hrs from your last lifting session your body finishes milking the adaptations, it'll start to think "where's my stimulus?" and get resensitized, it'll have an improved ability to respond to the stimulus of training, so YOU SHOULD take breaks or deloads from time to time, you're not losing anything, quite the contrary, you're improving your ability to progress.
If you stop training for a month, your body will start to think that the necessity of storing up enormous amounts of muscle fuel, glycogen, is not there anymore, because there is no stimulus, you'll not lose contractile tissue, you'll lose just glycogen and that's what MUSCLE MEMORY is about, your cells already know that they can store way more fuel and gunk than they're carrying right now, so when you reintroduce the stimulus they rapidly go back to it's bigger form.
How long does it take to lose actual contractile tissue? In my honest opinion, probably years and years, and you need to be doing some form of aggressive deficit or cardio in the process, naturals barely lose anything when they stop training for 2-6 months, it takes a bunch of years for you to lose your gainz.
Ahh, of course, you know why you were led to believe that you'll devolve into a puddle o poop instantly if you stop training? Because IF you're enhanced by exogenous testosterone and/or its derivatives, LA BOMBA PAPA, you hold WAY more fuel and gunk within the muscle cells, so when you stop training, even if you keep the drugs, the reduction in glycogen stores will be MASSIVE, making consistency even more important for enhanced athletes than for naturals.
Natural fitness gurus are a recent phenomenon, the vast majority of the people leading the field were viewing fitness through an enhanced lens.
So bottom line, if you're natural, this is our only SUPERPOWER compared to enhanced lifters, our gains take several more years to be made, and will not be anywhere near the potential of an enhanced dude, but once they're there, you OWN IT, you'll have to really TRY to lose it.
YOO, I hope you learned something cool here and this shit helps you KEEP BANGING IRON, MY BRUDDAH!
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